Thursday, 24 November 2016

My Day (revision)

The activities are based on the corresponding Potato Pals videos.

Reading Rules 1 [ð] [ʌ] [uː ] [aɪ]

Students choose a sound and then click on words that contain it. There are 6 words for each sound. Gradually, each puzzle piece will reveal a part of a funny picture, that can be used for a speaking activity afterwards.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

At School (an interactive worksheet)

Students watch and listen to the audiobook "At School" by Potato Pals, then sing along with them in the second video and do 3 activities afterwards.
Here's the link for students and here's one for teachers

Here's the audiobook with pictures.

Friday, 4 November 2016

My Body - Pronunciation

How do we pronounce these words? Click on the green pins and choose the right variant. If you need to revise the body vocabulary used in this activity you can do it here. It's the same exercise but with word combinations instead of sounds.

Monday, 31 October 2016

In The Evening (an interactive worksheet)

There are 3 follow-up activities to be used after watching the video. Here's the link for students and here's one for teachers.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

In the Morning (3 interactive worksheets)

First, students watch the videos "What do you do in the morning?" by Potato Pals and do Activity 1 (to revise colours, numbers, verbs  can, have got, to be). Here's the link for teachers.
Here is the audiobook.

After that, they do  Activity 2 (positive sentences, 3-rd person singular ) and  Activity 3(questions with do/does). Here are the links for teachers: Activity 2 and Activity 3

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Transcription Game "Who wants to be a millionaire?"

Students read the name of the given category (food, toys, jungle, school, colours and numbers) and 4 transcribed words, choosing the one that belongs to that category.